The modern definition of co-parenting is a process where two people work together to raise a child without a physical or sexual relationship in the conventional or evolutionary sense.
Or where divorced parents work to bring up their kids even though they are divorced or separated and no longer live together. An example of co-parenting is when a divorced mother and father share legal and physical custody of their child.
AI = Artificial Insemination (Pot + Syringe outside of clinic e.g. in Recipient's house or hotel)
AI+ = AI with recipient co-operation (Donation obtained with recipient present and giving assistance in the room and this could be anything to stimulate the donor e.g. parading, mutual touching, a helping hand, oral, anything other than intercourse. The recipient then inseminates the donation as per AI
PI = Partial Insemination (Donor masturbates and just before coming will ejaculate into the Recipient - i.e. intercourse strictly for procreation not recreation.)
NI = Natural Insemination (Unprotected Sex)
NI+ = Oral sex followed by Natural Insemination (Unprotected Sex)
We must not try to corrupt a million years of human evolution. A mother and a father is best if possible.
Non-traditional families are becoming more popular around the world. Even so, it's not always easy to work out how to handle the challenges unconventional family life can bring. Co-parenting website Modamily helps its subscribers find parenting partners.CCTV America's Karina Huber filed this report from Los Angeles.
A Quick A-Z of conception abbreviations!
Courtesy of a previous post
AF= Aunt Flo (Flo of blood) Period.
AI= Artificial insemination.
BBT= Basal Body Temperature (used to test ovulation has occurred)
BD= Baby dust (actually means Sperm)!
BFN= Big fat negative 😢
BFP= Big fat positive 😍
BT= Blood test
CF= Cervical fluid
CM= Cervical mucus
CP= Cervical position
DPO= Days past ovulation
DTD= Do the Deed/Dance. (Sex or AI around ovulation)
Fmu= First morning urine
HCG= Human Chorionic gonadotropin (hormone picked up in pregnancy)
(H)PT= (Home) pregnancy test
Lh= Luteinising Hormone (triggers ovulation)
NI= Natural Insemination
OPK= Ovulation predictor kit (tests for Lh)
PI= Partial insemination
POAS= Pee on a stick
SD= Sperm Donor
TTC= Trying to conceive
TWW= Two week wait (from ovulation to doing a pregnancy test)
"Parenting partnerships," or "friends with kids," is emerging as a new trend, putting a twist on the concept of family.
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Coparenting refers to a parenting situation where two or more adults work together to raise a child even though they are not necessarily the biological parents, living together or in a romantic relationship. The term 'post-separation coparent' is used to describe a situation where two parents work together to raise a child even though they are divorced or separated . Through this process, the parents seek to maintain equal or some shared responsibility to benefit the child's upbringing.
A new website matches singles who'd like to have a child together – romance strictly optional.
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One man in the Netherlands has fathered over 80 children.
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The number of women using donated sperm to get pregnant is rising, but many find the cost of treatment at private clinics prohibitive. This has led some women to use unlicensed donors - but are they putting their health at risk? Simon Watson, 41, has been an unlicensed sperm donor for 16 years, donating once a week.
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Hey guys, it's been a crazy week. In this video I talk about how I discovered I have at least 3 siblings from the same sperm donor. If you are interested please check out my other video on the subject here: I'M A TEST TUBE BABY: MY ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION STORY Social Media Links: Insta, Snap, Facebook, Twitter: @kayleekapital
Tatiana Busic is a single heterosexual woman and Brendan Schulz is a gay man. They're co-parents but not romantic partners. CBC Toronto's Makda Ghebreslassie, has the story. To read more:
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