This is a brand new setup so please bear with us, our aim is to bring common sense to the masses...
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Thanks, Ellen and Nat.
1. We are all common people, we need more common sense. So what is common sense: Having a good sense (of humour too) and balanced, sound judgement in practical matters and everyday living.
2. Not everything in life is sexist or racist or transphobic.
3. We are all created the same but we are different too: let’s celebrate our differences.
4. Variety is the spice of life: we do not want to live in a sterile, sanitised and boring world.
5. Human civilization has only truly evolved and advanced through open thinking, yearning for better, failing (think inventions) and accepting criticism.
6. Western civilization has its faults but on balance has done more good than bad: It’s why the West has had the biggest mass migration in recent years.
7. Sensible equality is fine, special treatment is not a privilege that is fair.
8. Modern society has us being offended and upset, consciously or sub-consciously, at everything: this is creating mental health issues.
9. Real comedy that offends without inciting hate is what we yearn for like the days of old. Let’s laugh at ourselves more: better than crying and it is healing.
10. We in the West need a reality check from being so offended:, Half the world is struggling with survival, hunger, disease and shelter.
Common sense is not a common possession. A child might have it and a 55 year old might lack it. It is the ability to see things as they are and do them as they ought to be done. Although we have become smarter and more intelligent than ever before however there are a few things that we do everyday are simply stupid. In this video you will get to know three daily habits that are not common sense and how they affect our lives. It's a must watch for anyone really!
Common sense is critical to mankind's survival. We may not have to deal with what cavemen dealt with but we still need common sense. Improve Your Common Sense 1. Try to remove yourself from the situation to make a better decision 2. Don't over-complicate things - K.I.S.S. 3. Trust and listen to yourself 4. Divorce yourself from your reality - you may think something is real when it's only in your head 5. Being wrong is okay!
Our idea was to approach strangers at Oxford Circus London and ask some common sense questions and see if people uses their common sense nowadays.
Why isn't common sense common? If you've ever felt frustrated dealing with people whom you think have no common sense... watch this!
100 Ways people Lack Common Sense. What's an example of someone lacking Common Sense? - (AskReddit)
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